10 Life hacks that would make your life easy
Life hacks refer to accomplished daily routine task by using simple tricks which makes your task much easy to accomplish.here is a list..
1.Mobile sound

if you want to enhance the sound of the mobile phone..put your phone in a glass this will enhance the sound if you want to listen to music or you can utilize this life hack to amplify the sound of your phone’s alarm.
2.charging cable

worried about your phones charging cable. take out a spring from any pen and put it around in your cable .it will keep your charging cable in good condition and won’t let it break by twisting.
3. pizza hack

if you want to reheat your pizza in the microwave, keep 1 cup of water in it as well, it will stop the crust getting too chewy and your pizza will taste fresh.
4. youtube hack

if you want to show someone the exact time of youtube video that you are watching right click on the video and click on copy video url at current time and now you can share the link.
5. maze

if you are stuck in a maze touch the wall in the right side and keep walking , you will reach the exit.
6. Save money

if you want to save money then start to pay in cash for everything instead of using cards, because with cards we buy some stuff that we don’t really need at that point of time, by having a limited amount of cash you won’t buy stuff u don’t need.
7. stressed for getting late

if you often get stressed about getting late than start leave 15 minutes early, once you start leaving early all the time than it will become a habit and u won’t get stressed.
8. Lost phone hack

assume if u have lost your cell phone and the individual who has discovered it how he will get to you? takes a photo of your name and telephone number and set it as your lock screen.so that the person who has found it, can get in touch with you effortlessly.
9. Confused between two things

if you have a tough decision to make then flip a coin, not to decide but you will realize what is more important or what you really want.
10. Elevator hack

if you want to reach at your destination early and don’t want the elevator to stop by then hold the close door button along with the floor button you want to reach and don’t release buttons till elevator start to move.this will save your time and elevator won’t stop in between.