21 June Yoga Day: Tips for a Perfect Yoga Practice

Since 21 June 2015, the International Day of Yoga has been an annual, global celebration. Yoga originated in India, and the International Day of Yoga has been designated as an annual worldwide celebration.

The physical, mental and spiritual practice of yoga is thousands of years old. In a 2014 address at the United Nations General Assembly, Prime Minister Narendra Modi proposed that a day to celebrate and practise yoga must be globally recognised.

In the 27 September 2014 address, PM Modi said, “Yoga is an invaluable gift of India’s ancient tradition. It embodies unity of mind and body; thought and action; restraint and fulfilment; harmony between man and nature; a holistic approach to health and well-being.

How did 21 June Yoga day start?

The United Nations General Assembly in 2014 adopted a resolution (UNGA Resolutions No. 1267 and 1273) to recognise the International Day of Yoga by a vote of 189 for and 2 against. The first International Day of Yoga was observed on 21 June 2015.

To observe this occasion, The Government of India, in collaboration with various yoga organisations and the United Nations, developed a road map of events, exhibitions, guided tours, yoga activities and seminars to celebrate the day and promote yoga. World Yoga Day: Benefits of doing yoga daily An increasing number of people all over the world are discovering yoga for the first time and sticking to it.

Tips for perfect yoga practice

The yogi’s aim in yoga is not to be “perfect”, but to enjoy the activity. While his objective remains clear and precise, the real challenge for him is to be able to approach perfection and experience it in every small aspect of his life.

Some yogis do yoga to reach a state of contentment and some to reach a state of greater clarity of the self. His practice should be an experience of joy and peace.

It should also be an experience of honour, respect and admiration for this valuable ancient Indian tradition.

We all have our set of specific yoga goals. A perfect yoga practice is one that enables you to do each of the 10+ asanas gracefully. Perfect yoga practice is one that assists in releasing any tensions within your body.

Practising yoga

The importance of Yoga as an essential part of human life was unanimously recognized by the United Nations. It was resolved to the effect that the United Nations General Assembly would, under its authority and the duty imposed upon it by the present Charter, honourably associate more frequently with the International Day of Yoga and observe it during the year 2019 as a Non-Aligned holiday.

How to practice yoga? Yoga is the central meditative practice and is considered as an individual or group spiritual pursuit that is based on the creative potential of consciousness and the practice of corresponding physical postures. This has always been a part of our everyday life for many years.

Benefits of a perfect yoga practice

Yoga teaches discipline, focus and inner awareness. It also has healing properties. A yoga teacher will teach the right yoga poses or postures according to the shape of the human body and that of the space. Postures that do not cause injury to the body but are suitable for everyday life must be taught. This will help correct several physical, mental and emotional issues that are common in today’s society.

Postures that are difficult to perform or carry out during your daily life are not suitable for practising yoga. Yoga is meant for all, it is not the domain of a certain section of the society or a particular religion. Tips on yoga for you Best time to practice yoga Practising yoga early in the morning is very beneficial. You can end your day with a relaxing yoga practice.


The significance of Yoga Day is yet to be decided. But it has increased as the day has been recognised by United Nations as a special non-working holiday for diplomats. It has also become an important holiday to mark the start of the International Day of Yoga. The Government of India had established ‘International Day of Yoga’ as a global campaign to reinforce the traditional benefits of the ancient physical, mental and spiritual practice of Yoga for physical, mental and spiritual well-being.

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